вівторок, 1 листопада 2011 р.

Historical and modern cures for bad breath

Bad breath is something that our earliest ancestors struggled with. It was such a dilemma, that early medical practitioners tried to solve it as a matter of urgency, even recording it in the precious antique writings we hold today. There are numerous cures that claim to be the answer. Let us take a look back at history and see how they cured it in times gone by and then have a small peek into more modern cures and preventions.

Mentioned in history

The medical term for bad breath is halitosis, which comes from the Latin halitus (exhalation) and the Greek osis (a condition or disease-causing process).

The earliest form of mouth wash as a way of bad breath treatment and gingivitis can be traced back as far as 2700 BC where it shows up in traditional Chinese medicine.

Historical cures

History records many solutions to this question and I am sure it will give you a laugh to even think of using some of these methods today.

 The Jewish Talmud suggests a mixture of olive oil and dough water to help cure gum ailments.

 Hippocrates of Cos (460 BC – 370 BC), an ancient Greek physician, often referred to as the Father of Western medicine, devised several mouth rinses. One of them was a mixture of salt, alum and vinegar.

 Another mouth rinsing solution by Hippocrates was made from oil of anise seed, myrrh, and white wine.

 A tea brewed from the herb dill, was another favorite mouthwash of Hippocrates. Of course to the ancient Greeks, herbs and spices carried with it certain superstitions. Dill was believed to be symbol of wealth, and good teeth likewise.

 A mouth rinsing solution that the ancient Romans used was made of earthworms marinated in vinegar. Rich people had slaves clean their mouths with small wooden picks and then rubbing it with a tooth strengthening powder. This powder was made from bay leaves, myrrh and burned eggshells.

Modern causes and cures

Modern scientists have discover a few things that we all should be aware of, since the remedy for bad breath, could be an easy one. Let’s have a look at some of the causes and their solutions.

 The sugar content of soft drinks and energy drink reacts chemically with the plaque bacteria in your mouth, causing the creation of a diluted acidic substance. This substance eats away at your tooth enamel, causing tooth cavities, which in turn causes bad breath. Most of these drinks also has their own acid content which is in fact so strong that if you place a tooth into this liquid, the tooth will decay and erode in a fairly short time span.

 Certain types of bacteria found in the mouth is usually the cause of chronic bad breath. About 25 % of the population has this bacteria.

 Dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia) can also cause bad breath. Millions of people are affected by this condition. It can also be caused from smoke, coffee and alcohol use, is a known side effect of certain medications and canbe caused by breathing through the mouth.

 Dieting or starvation can also cause bad breath. When your body burns fat, your breath can develop a ketone smell, which smells like acetone in nail polish remover.

In the United States a major industry has been founded on bad breath. Nearly three billion dollars are spent annually on mint, mouthwashes and gum to sweeten their breath. About 50 % of men admits to using breath freshening products, as opposed to the 60 % of women that admits it.

Over the counter mouthwashes and mouth rinses are not a permanent cure for bad breath. The majority of them merely masks the odors and smells temporarily. You need to go to a professional to treat the underlying problem if you are seeking a long term solution.

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